Friday 28 March 2014

(3rd) Progress in Selling Pens

We are making progress in selling pens. We started selling pens at our department and it was always easy to sell pens to our friends in the department. Then we went to the Open Canteen for two days and we were able to sell about fifty pens there. We also went to the summer huts in the university where we could sell some more pens. Dinakara and Chamini sold pens at the main gate of the university and there they could sell a significant number of pens. Our friends Hiranji, Poornima, Praweena, Piroshi,Tikiri, Rashni, Dishnika,Thanuja were cooperative in helping us to sell our pens. Selling pens was not always easy. Not everyone was eager to buy pens and sometimes we were discouraged because of their lack of support. However there were also those who helped us by buying our pens readily.

However we were able to sell about 75% of pens at the university premises itself.  We sold the rest of the pens outside the university premises with the help our family members and friends. Finally we were able to sell all our 400 pens and collect Rs 8000 to proceed with our project. Our group member Chathurika sold 100 pens in 2 days proving her exceptional skills in sales with her friend Piroshi's help.

Thursday 27 March 2014

(2nd) Fund Raising Strategy

As for the fund raising project the group decided to sell pens which is a day to day need of almost everyone and specially of the students of the university. The group decided to sell a pen at the price of Rs.20/=. Each member in the group (four members), will sell 100 pens making it altogether a sale of 400 pens which will generate an income of Rs.8000/=. The group members will start selling the pens as soon as possible.